2016. 10. 28. 16:11

Vote with one's feet

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

떠나버리는 것으로 마음에 들지 않음을 표현하다.

연극이 마음에 들지 않았던 관객들은 제 2막을 하는 동안 떠나버렸다.


vote with one's feet

Fig. to express one's dissatisfaction with something by leaving, especially by walking away. I think that the play is a total flop. Most of the audience voted with its feet during the second act. I am prepared to vote with my feet if the meeting appears to be a waste of time.
2016. 10. 28. 12:59

테스트결과 좀 더 빠른 버전-

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

배열을 안써서 좀 더 복잡해졌네요


Sub getJobFile()
    'get files
    Dim fd As FileDialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    Dim vrtSelectedItem As Variant
    Cells(3, 1) = ""
    With fd
        .InitialFileName = "d:\temp\"
        '만약 취소하면 종료처리한다.
        If .Show = 0 Then
            Cells(3, 1) = "작업을 취소하였습니다."
            Cells(3, 1).Font.Color = RGB(240, 0, 0)
            Cells(3, 1).Font.Bold = True
            Exit Sub
            sPath = .SelectedItems(1)
            tPath = .InitialFileName
        End If
    End With
    Set fd = Nothing
    Cells(6, 2) = tPath
    Cells(8, 2) = tPath
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    fPath = "D:\temp\jobFiles\"
    tPath = "D:\temp\jobFiles_back\"
    Set dDir = fs.getfile(sPath)
    sFName = fs.getfilename(sPath)
    Cells(8, 3) = sFName
    '아래 부분은 파일에서 작업일을 가져오는 부분
'    chkpos = Right(sFName, 11)
'    Cells(4, 9) = CDate("20" & Mid(chkpos, 1, 2) & "-" & Mid(chkpos, 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(chkpos, 5, 2))
    '연습용이므로 오늘에서 하루 뺀걸로 그냥 설정
    Cells(4, 9) = Date - 1

End Sub
Sub getAndAnalysis()
    Cells(1, 8) = Time
    Cells(1, 9) = Time
End Sub

Sub extractResult()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim rowCnt As Integer
    Dim shtCnt As Integer
    Dim testCnt As Integer
    Dim d_name As String
    Dim f_name As String
    Dim file_name As String
    '기본 변수 할당 및 파일명 읽어오기
    i = 8
    orgWorkBookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    '기존 자료 정리
    '작업을 위한 첫 시트는 진척관리
    '두번째시트는 mainData
    Range(Cells(3, 2), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    '파일 가져오기
    '하나의 파일만 처리하는 형태임
    d_name = Sheets("진척관리").Cells(i, 2).Value
    f_name = Sheets("진척관리").Cells(i, 3).Value
    file_name = d_name + f_name
    Dim fs, f, s
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.getfile(file_name)
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=file_name, UpdateLinks:=0
    '시트수를 확인하는 건데 이 프로시져에서는 사용하지 않는다
    shtCnt = Workbooks(f_name).Sheets.Count
    afCheck = Worksheets("결함").AutoFilterMode
    If afCheck = True Then
        Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(100, 3000)).AutoFilter
    End If
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Cells(5, 4).Select
    Cells(3, 4) = "=counta(E6:E200000)"
    testCnt = Cells(3, 4)
    Cells(5, 3) = "번호"
    Cells(6, 3) = 1
    Cells(7, 3) = 2
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(6, 3), Cells(testCnt + 5, 3))
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Workbooks(f_name).Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

Sub severeAnalysis()

    stdDate = Cells(4, 8)
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    Cells(4, 9) = "심각도"
    Cells(4, 7) = "=counta(h6:h20000)"
    '자동필터를 사용해야 하는데 이미 있으면 오류가 나니 체크해서 있으면 없앤다
    afCheck = Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilterMode
    If afCheck = True Then
        Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(100, 3000)).AutoFilter
    End If
    '다시 자동필터 설정
    Range(Cells(5, 3), Cells(5, 23)).Select
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("E5"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort .Apply
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("D5"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort .Apply
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 7)).Select
    Cells(6, 8).Select
    Range(Cells(6, 9), Cells(20000, 9)).Select
    Cells(6, 9).Select
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range("$H$6:$I$20000").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    Range(Cells(6, 12), Cells(20000, 12)).Select
    Cells(6, 10).Select
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range("$J$6:$J$20000").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:=xlYes
    Cells(4, 10) = "=counta(j6:j30)"
    faultCnt = Cells(4, 10)
    Range(Cells(6, 10), Cells(6 + faultCnt, 10)).Select
    Cells(5, 10).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Cells(4, 8) = "=counta(H6:H20000)"
    rowCnt = Cells(4, 8)
    Cells(4, 10) = "=cells(j5:az5)"
    faultCnt = Cells(4, 10)
    '처음 시작하는 곳은 row 10부터
    '처리가능한 변수는 20개로 설정
    n = 10
    flt1 = Cells(5, n + 0)
    flt2 = Cells(5, n + 1)
    flt3 = Cells(5, n + 2)
    flt4 = Cells(5, n + 3)
    flt5 = Cells(5, n + 4)
    flt6 = Cells(5, n + 5)
    flt7 = Cells(5, n + 6)
    flt8 = Cells(5, n + 7)
    flt9 = Cells(5, n + 8)
    flt10 = Cells(5, n + 9)
    flt11 = Cells(5, n + 10)
    flt12 = Cells(5, n + 11)
    flt13 = Cells(5, n + 12)
    flt14 = Cells(5, n + 13)
    flt15 = Cells(5, n + 14)
    flt16 = Cells(5, n + 15)
    flt17 = Cells(5, n + 16)
    flt18 = Cells(5, n + 17)
    flt19 = Cells(5, n + 18)
    flt20 = Cells(5, n + 19)
    Cells(5, faultCnt + 10) = "합계"
    i = 6
    Do While i < rowCnt + 15
        sysName = Cells(i, 8)
        If sysName = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        dtlName = Cells(i, 9)
        allPtFaultCnt = 0
        recordCnt = Cells(3, 4)
        ptFaultCnt = 0
        fltVal1 = 0
        fltVal2 = 0
        fltVal3 = 0
        fltVal4 = 0
        fltVal5 = 0
        fltVal6 = 0
        fltVal7 = 0
        fltVal8 = 0
        fltVal9 = 0
        fltVal10 = 0
        fltVal11 = 0
        fltVal12 = 0
        fltVal13 = 0
        fltVal14 = 0
        fltVal15 = 0
        fltVal16 = 0
        fltVal17 = 0
        fltVal18 = 0
        fltVal19 = 0
        fltVal20 = 0

        k = 6
        Do While k < recordCnt + 6
            cmpSysName = Cells(k, 7)
            cmpDtlName = Cells(k, 9)
            cmpFaultName = Cells(k, 12)
            If cmpSysName = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            If sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt1 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal1 = fltVal1 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt2 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal2 = fltVal2 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt3 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal3 = fltVal3 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt4 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal4 = fltVal4 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt5 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal5 = fltVal5 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt6 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal6 = fltVal6 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt7 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal7 = fltVal7 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt8 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal8 = fltVal8 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt9 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal9 = fltVal9 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt10 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal10 = fltVal10 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt11 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal11 = fltVal11 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt12 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal12 = fltVal12 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt13 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal13 = fltVal13 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt14 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal14 = fltVal14 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt15 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal15 = fltVal15 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt16 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal16 = fltVal16 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt17 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal17 = fltVal17 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt18 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal18 = fltVal18 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt19 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal19 = fltVal19 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt20 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal20 = fltVal20 + 1
            End If
            k = k + 1
        If faultCnt1 = 1 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal1
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal1
        ElseIf faultCnt2 = 2 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal1 + fltVal2
        ElseIf faultCnt3 = 3 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3
        ElseIf faultCnt4 = 4 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4
        ElseIf faultCnt5 = 5 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5
        ElseIf faultCnt6 = 6 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6
        ElseIf faultCnt7 = 7 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7
        ElseIf faultCnt8 = 8 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8
        ElseIf faultCnt9 = 9 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9
      ElseIf faultCnt10 = 10 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10
        ElseIf faultCnt11 = 11 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11
       ElseIf faultCnt12 = 12 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12
        ElseIf faultCnt13 = 13 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13
        ElseIf faultCnt14 = 14 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14
        ElseIf faultCnt15 = 15 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15
        ElseIf faultCnt16 = 16 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16

        ElseIf faultCnt17 = 17 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17

        ElseIf faultCnt18 = 18 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18

        ElseIf faultCnt19 = 19 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 19) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18 + fltVal19
        ElseIf faultCnt20 = 20 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal20
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 19) = fltVal20
            Cells(i, n + 20) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18 + fltVal19 + fltVal20
        End If
        j = j + 1
    sumRowPsn = Cells(4, 8) + 6
    typeCnt = Cells(4, 10) + 10
    Cells(sumRowPsn, 8) = "합계"
    i = 10
    '옆으로 가면서 합계 넣기
    Do While i < typeCnt + 1
        j = 6
        faultSum = 0
        Do While j < sumRowPsn
            faultVal = Cells(i, j)
            faultSum = faultSum + faultVal
            j = j + 1
        Cells(i, j) = faultSum
        i = i + 1
    Cells(3, 4).Select
End Sub
Sub faultAnalysis()
    '작업위치를 잡는다.
    '위에서 7번째 줄에서부터 데이터가 있다.
    delPnt = Cells(4, 8) + 7
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    '상대참조를 해야 할 경우 사용한다.
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 9) = "fault유형"
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 7)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 8).Select
    Range(Cells(5, 9), Cells(20000, 9)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 9).Select
    delPnt0 = delPnt
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    delPnt = Cells(delPnt + 2, 8)
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 8), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 4, 9)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    'fault타입 처리
    Range(Cells(6, 13), Cells(20000, 13)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10).Select
    '중복값 제거
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).Select
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:=xlNo
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10)
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + 40, 10)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[1]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10)
        '처음 시작하는 곳은 row 10부터
    '처리가능한 변수는 20개로 설정
    n = 10
    flt1 = Cells(5, n + 0)
    flt2 = Cells(5, n + 1)
    flt3 = Cells(5, n + 2)
    flt4 = Cells(5, n + 3)
    flt5 = Cells(5, n + 4)
    flt6 = Cells(5, n + 5)
    flt7 = Cells(5, n + 6)
    flt8 = Cells(5, n + 7)
    flt9 = Cells(5, n + 8)
    flt10 = Cells(5, n + 9)
    flt11 = Cells(5, n + 10)
    flt12 = Cells(5, n + 11)
    flt13 = Cells(5, n + 12)
    flt14 = Cells(5, n + 13)
    flt15 = Cells(5, n + 14)
    flt16 = Cells(5, n + 15)
    flt17 = Cells(5, n + 16)
    flt18 = Cells(5, n + 17)
    flt19 = Cells(5, n + 18)
    flt20 = Cells(5, n + 19)
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, faultCnt + 10) = "합격"
    rowCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    i = delPnt0 + 4
    Do While i < rowCnt + delPnt0 + 15
        sysName = Cells(i, 8)
        If sysName = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        dtlName = Cells(i, 9)
        allPtFaultCnt = 0
        recordCnt = Cells(3, 4)
        ptFaultCnt = 0

        fltVal1 = 0
        fltVal2 = 0
        fltVal3 = 0
        fltVal4 = 0
        fltVal5 = 0
        fltVal6 = 0
        fltVal7 = 0
        fltVal8 = 0
        fltVal9 = 0
        fltVal10 = 0
        fltVal11 = 0
        fltVal12 = 0
        fltVal13 = 0
        fltVal14 = 0
        fltVal15 = 0
        fltVal16 = 0
        fltVal17 = 0
        fltVal18 = 0
        fltVal19 = 0
        fltVal20 = 0
        k = 6
        Do While k < recordCnt + 6
            cmpSysName = Cells(k, 7)
            cmpDtlName = Cells(k, 9)
            cmpFaultName = Cells(k, 13)
            If cmpSysName = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            If sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt1 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal1 = fltVal1 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt2 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal2 = fltVal2 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt3 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal3 = fltVal3 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt4 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal4 = fltVal4 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt5 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal5 = fltVal5 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt6 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal6 = fltVal6 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt7 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal7 = fltVal7 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt8 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal8 = fltVal8 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt9 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal9 = fltVal9 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt10 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal10 = fltVal10 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt11 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal11 = fltVal11 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt12 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal12 = fltVal12 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt13 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal13 = fltVal13 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt14 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal14 = fltVal14 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt15 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal15 = fltVal15 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt16 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal16 = fltVal16 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt17 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal17 = fltVal17 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt18 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal18 = fltVal18 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt19 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal19 = fltVal19 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt20 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal20 = fltVal20 + 1
            End If
            k = k + 1
        If faultCnt1 = 1 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal1
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal1
        ElseIf faultCnt2 = 2 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal1 + fltVal2
        ElseIf faultCnt3 = 3 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3
        ElseIf faultCnt4 = 4 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4
        ElseIf faultCnt5 = 5 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5
        ElseIf faultCnt6 = 6 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6
        ElseIf faultCnt7 = 7 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7
        ElseIf faultCnt8 = 8 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8
        ElseIf faultCnt9 = 9 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9
      ElseIf faultCnt10 = 10 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10
        ElseIf faultCnt11 = 11 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11
       ElseIf faultCnt12 = 12 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12
        ElseIf faultCnt13 = 13 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13
        ElseIf faultCnt14 = 14 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14
        ElseIf faultCnt15 = 15 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15
        ElseIf faultCnt16 = 16 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16

        ElseIf faultCnt17 = 17 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17

        ElseIf faultCnt18 = 18 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18

        ElseIf faultCnt19 = 19 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 19) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18 + fltVal19
        ElseIf faultCnt20 = 20 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal20
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 19) = fltVal20
            Cells(i, n + 20) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18 + fltVal19 + fltVal20
        End If
        j = j + 1
    sysItemCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    sumRowPsn = delPnt0 + sysItemCnt + 4
    typeCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10) + 10
    Cells(sumRowPsn, 8) = "합계"
    i = 10
    '옆으로 가면서 합계 넣기
    Do While i < typeCnt + 1
        j = delPnt0 + 4
        faultSum = 0
        Do While j < sumRowPsn
            faultVal = Cells(j, i)
            faultSum = faultSum + faultVal
            j = j + 1
        Cells(j, i) = faultSum
        i = i + 1
    Cells(3, 4).Select
End Sub


Sub statAnalysis()
    '작업위치를 잡는다.
    '위에서 7번째 줄에서부터 데이터가 있다.
    delPnt = Cells(4, 8) + 7
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    '상대참조를 해야 할 경우 사용한다.
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 9) = "현재상태"
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 7)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 8).Select
    Range(Cells(5, 9), Cells(20000, 9)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 9).Select
    delPnt0 = delPnt
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    delPnt = Cells(delPnt + 2, 8)
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 8), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 4, 9)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    'fault타입 처리
    Range(Cells(6, 4), Cells(20000, 4)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10).Select
    '중복값 제거
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).Select
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:=xlNo
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10)
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + 40, 10)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[1]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10)
        '처음 시작하는 곳은 row 10부터
    '처리가능한 변수는 20개로 설정
    n = 10
    flt1 = Cells(5, n + 0)
    flt2 = Cells(5, n + 1)
    flt3 = Cells(5, n + 2)
    flt4 = Cells(5, n + 3)
    flt5 = Cells(5, n + 4)
    flt6 = Cells(5, n + 5)
    flt7 = Cells(5, n + 6)
    flt8 = Cells(5, n + 7)
    flt9 = Cells(5, n + 8)
    flt10 = Cells(5, n + 9)
    flt11 = Cells(5, n + 10)
    flt12 = Cells(5, n + 11)
    flt13 = Cells(5, n + 12)
    flt14 = Cells(5, n + 13)
    flt15 = Cells(5, n + 14)
    flt16 = Cells(5, n + 15)
    flt17 = Cells(5, n + 16)
    flt18 = Cells(5, n + 17)
    flt19 = Cells(5, n + 18)
    flt20 = Cells(5, n + 19)
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, faultCnt + 10) = "합격"
    rowCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    i = delPnt0 + 4
    Do While i < rowCnt + delPnt0 + 15
        sysName = Cells(i, 8)
        If sysName = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        dtlName = Cells(i, 9)
        allPtFaultCnt = 0
        recordCnt = Cells(3, 4)
        ptFaultCnt = 0

        fltVal1 = 0
        fltVal2 = 0
        fltVal3 = 0
        fltVal4 = 0
        fltVal5 = 0
        fltVal6 = 0
        fltVal7 = 0
        fltVal8 = 0
        fltVal9 = 0
        fltVal10 = 0
        fltVal11 = 0
        fltVal12 = 0
        fltVal13 = 0
        fltVal14 = 0
        fltVal15 = 0
        fltVal16 = 0
        fltVal17 = 0
        fltVal18 = 0
        fltVal19 = 0
        fltVal20 = 0
        k = 6
        Do While k < recordCnt + 6
            cmpSysName = Cells(k, 7)
            cmpDtlName = Cells(k, 9)
            cmpFaultName = Cells(k, 4)
            If cmpSysName = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If

            If sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt1 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal1 = fltVal1 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt2 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal2 = fltVal2 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt3 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal3 = fltVal3 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt4 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal4 = fltVal4 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt5 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal5 = fltVal5 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt6 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal6 = fltVal6 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt7 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal7 = fltVal7 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt8 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal8 = fltVal8 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt9 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal9 = fltVal9 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt10 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal10 = fltVal10 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt11 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal11 = fltVal11 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt12 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal12 = fltVal12 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt13 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal13 = fltVal13 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt14 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal14 = fltVal14 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt15 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal15 = fltVal15 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt16 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal16 = fltVal16 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt17 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal17 = fltVal17 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt18 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal18 = fltVal18 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt19 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal19 = fltVal19 + 1
            ElseIf sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And flt20 = cmpFaultName Then fltVal20 = fltVal20 + 1
            End If
            k = k + 1

        If faultCnt1 = 1 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal1
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal1
        ElseIf faultCnt2 = 2 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal1 + fltVal2
        ElseIf faultCnt3 = 3 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3
        ElseIf faultCnt4 = 4 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4
        ElseIf faultCnt5 = 5 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5
        ElseIf faultCnt6 = 6 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6
        ElseIf faultCnt7 = 7 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7
        ElseIf faultCnt8 = 8 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8
        ElseIf faultCnt9 = 9 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9
      ElseIf faultCnt10 = 10 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10
        ElseIf faultCnt11 = 11 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11
       ElseIf faultCnt12 = 12 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12
        ElseIf faultCnt13 = 13 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13
        ElseIf faultCnt14 = 14 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14
        ElseIf faultCnt15 = 15 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15
        ElseIf faultCnt16 = 16 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16

        ElseIf faultCnt17 = 17 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17

        ElseIf faultCnt18 = 18 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18

        ElseIf faultCnt19 = 19 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 19) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18 + fltVal19
        ElseIf faultCnt20 = 20 Then
            Cells(i, n) = fltVal20
            Cells(i, n + 1) = fltVal2
            Cells(i, n + 2) = fltVal3
            Cells(i, n + 3) = fltVal4
            Cells(i, n + 4) = fltVal5
            Cells(i, n + 5) = fltVal6
            Cells(i, n + 6) = fltVal7
            Cells(i, n + 7) = fltVal8
            Cells(i, n + 8) = fltVal9
            Cells(i, n + 9) = fltVal10
            Cells(i, n + 10) = fltVal11
            Cells(i, n + 11) = fltVal12
            Cells(i, n + 12) = fltVal13
            Cells(i, n + 13) = fltVal14
            Cells(i, n + 14) = fltVal15
            Cells(i, n + 15) = fltVal16
            Cells(i, n + 16) = fltVal17
            Cells(i, n + 17) = fltVal18
            Cells(i, n + 18) = fltVal19
            Cells(i, n + 19) = fltVal20
            Cells(i, n + 20) = fltVal1 + fltVal2 + fltVal3 + fltVal4 + fltVal5 + fltVal6 + fltVal7 + fltVal8 + fltVal9 + fltVal10 + fltVal11 + fltVal12 + fltVal13 + fltVal14 + fltVal15 + fltVal16 + fltVal17 + fltVal18 + fltVal19 + fltVal20
        End If
        j = j + 1
    sysItemCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    sumRowPsn = delPnt0 + sysItemCnt + 4
    typeCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10) + 10
    Cells(sumRowPsn, 8) = "합계"
    i = 10
    '옆으로 가면서 합계 넣기
    Do While i < typeCnt + 1
        j = delPnt0 + 4
        faultSum = 0
        Do While j < sumRowPsn
            faultVal = Cells(j, i)
            faultSum = faultSum + faultVal
            j = j + 1
        Cells(j, i) = faultSum
        i = i + 1
    Cells(3, 4).Select
End Sub



2016. 10. 27. 13:26

테스트 결과표 정리 매크로

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


  - 프로젝트 수행 과정에서 개발이 완료되면 테스트를 수행하게 됩니다. 

테스트를 수행하면 테스트 결과를 정리해야 하는데 보통 여러 군데서 수행한 테스트 결과서를 모아서 하나의 결과서에 취합하는 방식으로 진행합니다. 

이 결과서의 내용을 분석하여 업무별로, 심각도 별로, 형태별로, 대응상태별로 결과표를 작성하는 매크로입니다. 

이 매크로를 사용하는 매크로 파일에는 

진척관리시트, mainData 시트가 있어야 합니다. 

테스트결과표 파일에는 faultData 시트가 있어야 합니다. 

결과는 severe_Level(결함의 심각성 정도), faultType(결함의 형태), presentStatus(현재 조치 상태)를 구분해서 관리해야 합니다. 

관리하는 통합테스트결과서의 양식에 맞춰 아래의 매크로를 적당히 수정해서 사용하면 됩니다. 

Sub getJobFile()
    'get files
    Dim fd As FileDialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    Dim vrtSelectedItem As Variant
    Cells(3, 1) = ""
    With fd
        .InitialFileName = "d:\temp\"
        '만약 취소하면 종료처리한다.
        If .Show = 0 Then
            Cells(3, 1) = "작업을 취소하였습니다."
            Cells(3, 1).Font.Color = RGB(240, 0, 0)
            Cells(3, 1).Font.Bold = True
            Exit Sub
            sPath = .SelectedItems(1)
            tPath = .InitialFileName
        End If
    End With
    Set fd = Nothing
    Cells(6, 2) = tPath
    Cells(8, 2) = tPath
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    fPath = "D:\temp\jobFiles\"
    tPath = "D:\temp\jobFiles_back\"
    Set dDir = fs.getfile(sPath)
    sFName = fs.getfilename(sPath)
    Cells(8, 3) = sFName
    '아래 부분은 파일에서 작업일을 가져오는 부분
'    chkpos = Right(sFName, 11)
'    Cells(4, 9) = CDate("20" & Mid(chkpos, 1, 2) & "-" & Mid(chkpos, 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(chkpos, 5, 2))
    '연습용이므로 오늘에서 하루 뺀걸로 그냥 설정
    Cells(4, 9) = Date - 1

End Sub
Sub getAndAnalysis()
    Cells(1, 8) = Time
    Cells(1, 9) = Time
End Sub

Sub extractResult()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim rowCnt As Integer
    Dim shtCnt As Integer
    Dim testCnt As Integer
    Dim d_name As String
    Dim f_name As String
    Dim file_name As String
    '기본 변수 할당 및 파일명 읽어오기
    i = 8
    orgWorkBookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    '기존 자료 정리
    '작업을 위한 첫 시트는 진척관리
    '두번째시트는 mainData
    Range(Cells(3, 2), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    '파일 가져오기
    '하나의 파일만 처리하는 형태임
    d_name = Sheets("진척관리").Cells(i, 2).Value
    f_name = Sheets("진척관리").Cells(i, 3).Value
    file_name = d_name + f_name
    Dim fs, f, s
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.getfile(file_name)
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=file_name, UpdateLinks:=0
    '시트수를 확인하는 건데 이 프로시져에서는 사용하지 않는다
    shtCnt = Workbooks(f_name).Sheets.Count
    afCheck = Worksheets("faultData").AutoFilterMode
    If afCheck = True Then
        Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(100, 3000)).AutoFilter
    End If
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Cells(5, 4).Select
    Cells(3, 4) = "=counta(E6:E200000)"
    testCnt = Cells(3, 4)
    Cells(5, 3) = "번호"
    Cells(6, 3) = 1
    Cells(7, 3) = 2
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(6, 3), Cells(testCnt + 5, 3))
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Workbooks(f_name).Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

Sub severeAnalysis()

    stdDate = Cells(4, 8)
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    Cells(4, 9) = "심각도"
    Cells(4, 7) = "=counta(h6:h20000)"
    '자동필터를 사용해야 하는데 이미 있으면 오류가 나니 체크해서 있으면 없앤다
    afCheck = Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilterMode
    If afCheck = True Then
        Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(100, 3000)).AutoFilter
    End If
    '다시 자동필터 설정
    Range(Cells(5, 3), Cells(5, 23)).Select
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("E5"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort .Apply
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("D5"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("mainData").AutoFilter.Sort .Apply
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 7)).Select
    Cells(6, 8).Select
    Range(Cells(6, 9), Cells(20000, 9)).Select
    Cells(6, 9).Select
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range("$H$6:$I$20000").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    Range(Cells(6, 12), Cells(20000, 12)).Select
    Cells(6, 10).Select
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range("$J$6:$J$20000").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:=xlYes
    Cells(4, 10) = "=counta(j6:j30)"
    faultCnt = Cells(4, 10)
    Range(Cells(6, 10), Cells(6 + faultCnt, 10)).Select
    Cells(5, 10).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Cells(4, 8) = "=counta(H6:H20000)"
    rowCnt = Cells(4, 8)
    Cells(4, 10) = "=cells(j5:az5)"
    faultCnt = Cells(4, 10)
    Cells(5, faultCnt + 10) = "합계"
    i = 6
    Do While i < rowCnt + 15
        sysName = Cells(i, 8)
        If sysName = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        dtlName = Cells(i, 9)
        allPtFaultCnt = 0
        j = 10
        '심각도 하나씩
        '좌에서 우로 하나씩 처리
        Do While j < falutCnt + 10
            faultName = Cells(5, j)
            recordCnt = Cells(3, 4)
            ptFaultCnt = 0
            k = 6
            Do While k < recordCnt + 6
                cmpSysName = Cells(k, 7)
                cmpDtlName = Cells(k, 9)
                cmpFaultName = Cells(k, 12)
                If cmpSysName = "" Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
                If sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And faultName = cmpFaultName Then
                    '테스트 결과
                    ptFaultCnt = ptFaultCnt + 1
                    allPtFaultCnt = allPtFaultCnt + 1
                End If
                k = k + 1
            Cells(i, j) = ptFaultCnt
            j = j + 1
            Cells(i, j).Select
            Cells(i, j) = allPtFaultCnt
            i = i + 1
    sumRowPsn = Cells(4, 8) + 6
    typeCnt = Cells(4, 10) + 10
    Cells(sumRowPsn, 8) = "합계"
    i = 10
    '옆으로 가면서 합계 넣기
    Do While i < typeCnt + 1
        j = 6
        faultSum = 0
        Do While j < sumRowPsn
            faultVal = Cells(i, j)
            faultSum = faultSum + faultVal
            j = j + 1
        Cells(i, j) = faultSum
        i = i + 1
    Cells(3, 4).Select
End Sub
Sub faultAnalysis()
    '작업위치를 잡는다.
    '위에서 7번째 줄에서부터 데이터가 있다.
    delPnt = Cells(4, 8) + 7
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    '상대참조를 해야 할 경우 사용한다.
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 9) = "fault유형"
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 7)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 8).Select
    Range(Cells(5, 9), Cells(20000, 9)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 9).Select
    delPnt0 = delPnt
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    delPnt = Cells(delPnt + 2, 8)
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 8), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 4, 9)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    'fault타입 처리
    Range(Cells(6, 13), Cells(20000, 13)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10).Select
    '중복값 제거
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).Select
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:=xlNo
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10)
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + 40, 10)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[1]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10)
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, faultCnt + 10) = "합격"
    rowCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    i = delPnt0 + 4
    Do While i < rowCnt + delPnt0 + 15
        sysName = Cells(i, 8)
        If sysName = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        dtlName = Cells(i, 9)
        allPtFaultCnt = 0
        j = 10
        '좌에서 우로 하나씩 처리
        Do While j < falutCnt + 10
            faultName = Cells(delPnt0 + 3, j)
            If faultName = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            recordCnt = Cells(3, 4)
            ptFaultCnt = 0
            k = 6
            Do While k < recordCnt + 6
                cmpSysName = Cells(k, 7)
                cmpDtlName = Cells(k, 9)
                cmpFaultName = Cells(k, 13)
                If cmpSysName = "" Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
                If sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And faultName = cmpFaultName Then
                    '테스트 결과
                    ptFaultCnt = ptFaultCnt + 1
                    allPtFaultCnt = allPtFaultCnt + 1
                End If
                k = k + 1
            Cells(i, j) = ptFaultCnt
            j = j + 1
            Cells(i, j).Select
            Cells(i, j) = allPtFaultCnt
            i = i + 1
    sysItemCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    sumRowPsn = delPnt0 + sysItemCnt + 4
    typeCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10) + 10
    Cells(sumRowPsn, 8) = "합계"
    i = 10
    '옆으로 가면서 합계 넣기
    Do While i < typeCnt + 1
        j = delPnt0 + 4
        faultSum = 0
        Do While j < sumRowPsn
            faultVal = Cells(j, i)
            faultSum = faultSum + faultVal
            j = j + 1
        Cells(j, i) = faultSum
        i = i + 1
    Cells(3, 4).Select
End Sub


Sub statAnalysis()
    '작업위치를 잡는다.
    '위에서 7번째 줄에서부터 데이터가 있다.
    delPnt = Cells(4, 8) + 7
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Select
    Range(Cells(delPnt, 7), Cells(20000, 30)).Clear
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    '상대참조를 해야 할 경우 사용한다.
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 9) = "현재상태"
    Range(Cells(6, 7), Cells(20000, 7)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 8).Select
    Range(Cells(5, 9), Cells(20000, 9)).Select
    Cells(delPnt + 3, 9).Select
    delPnt0 = delPnt
    Cells(delPnt + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    delPnt = Cells(delPnt + 2, 8)
    '중복값 제거
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 8), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 4, 9)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[20000]c)"
    'fault타입 처리
    Range(Cells(6, 4), Cells(20000, 4)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10).Select
    '중복값 제거
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).Select
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + delPnt0 + 3, 10)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:=xlNo
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[2]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10)
    Range(Cells(delPnt0 + 4, 10), Cells(delPnt + 40, 10)).Select
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, 10).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Counta(R[1]c:r[40]c)"
    faultCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10)
    Cells(delPnt0 + 3, faultCnt + 10) = "합격"
    rowCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    i = delPnt0 + 4
    Do While i < rowCnt + delPnt0 + 15
        sysName = Cells(i, 8)
        If sysName = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        dtlName = Cells(i, 9)
        allPtFaultCnt = 0
        j = 10
        '좌에서 우로 하나씩 처리
        Do While j < falutCnt + 10
            faultName = Cells(delPnt0 + 3, j)
            If faultName = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            recordCnt = Cells(3, 4)
            ptFaultCnt = 0
            k = 6
            Do While k < recordCnt + 6
                cmpSysName = Cells(k, 7)
                cmpDtlName = Cells(k, 9)
                cmpFaultName = Cells(k, 4)
                If cmpSysName = "" Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
                If sysName = cmpSysName And dtlName = cmpDtlName And faultName = cmpFaultName Then
                    '테스트 결과
                    ptFaultCnt = ptFaultCnt + 1
                    allPtFaultCnt = allPtFaultCnt + 1
                End If
                k = k + 1
            Cells(i, j) = ptFaultCnt
            j = j + 1
            Cells(i, j).Select
            Cells(i, j) = allPtFaultCnt
            i = i + 1
    sysItemCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 8)
    sumRowPsn = delPnt0 + sysItemCnt + 4
    typeCnt = Cells(delPnt0 + 2, 10) + 10
    Cells(sumRowPsn, 8) = "합계"
    i = 10
    '옆으로 가면서 합계 넣기
    Do While i < typeCnt + 1
        j = delPnt0 + 4
        faultSum = 0
        Do While j < sumRowPsn
            faultVal = Cells(j, i)
            faultSum = faultSum + faultVal
            j = j + 1
        Cells(j, i) = faultSum
        i = i + 1
    Cells(3, 4).Select
End Sub



2016. 10. 26. 21:09

커피 탬퍼 받침대

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

커피 가루를 다지고 나면 아무래도 탬퍼가 지저분해집니다. 

청소를 해도 커피 머신 주위가 지저분해지는 걸 막을 수 없고 해서 탬퍼 거치대를 하나 샀습니다. 

알리에서 저렴하게 ....

배송도 빠르네요. 10월 15일 주문했는데 25일 도착했으니 열흘만이네요. 

보통 한달은 걸리고 짧아도 2주일은 걸리던데 말입니다. 

Coffee Tamper Holder Stainless Steel Stand Rack Shelf Coffee Brewing Tools Coffee Machine Accessories Caffe Making Gadgets

$11.00에 무료배송입니다.

상태는 뭐 그냥 그냥..

이렇게 분리가 되고..

탬퍼가 지저분하게 돌아다나지 않아서 좋네요. 

2016. 10. 25. 21:18

알리에서 주문한 와아파이+블루투스 USB adapter 가 도착했습니다.

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

새로 컴퓨터를 샀는데 저가 제품이라 그런지 무선 네트워크와 블루투스를 지원하지 않네요. 

그동안 USB형 네트워크 카드를 사용하고 있었는데 블루투스를 사용해야 할 상황이 됐습니다. 

동글을 사야하는데 기왕 살거면 네트워크와 블루투스 둘 다 지원하는 걸로 사야겠다고 생각하고 알아봤습니다. 

저렴한 건 2만원 정도고 비싼 건 9만원도 넘습니다. 

그래서 알리를 검색해서 샀는데 똑같은게 한국에서는 2배 가격으로 팔리네요. 

2배는 양심적인거고 5배로 팔리는 곳도 있군요.

유통마진인지... 어차피 해외 구매대행이구만...

Order ID: 300000000 l

Order time & date: 07:09 Oct. 09 2016

Store name: Shenzhen CarNival Trading Co., Ltd.

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Order amount:

$ 9.03

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